The challenge
Reliable broadband is essential to teachers who want to be able to make the most of the available online resources. The school’s previous Internet connection provided just 0.5Mbps download and even slower upload speeds which simply wasn’t sufficient. Fay and her team were wasting huge amounts of time waiting for the browser to kick-in, impacting teaching time. Teachers couldn’t complete the most basic of tasks, such as sending an e-mail with an attachment. Pupils were unable to work on Information and Communication Technology (ICT) projects.
The solution
PSBA implemented a FTTP solution. The school is now benefitting from download speeds of up to 80Mbps, 150 times faster than its previous service. The pupils can fully participate in online learning experiences. Access to online tools and resources supports the development of students’ digital literacy skills. Borderbrook is now also taking advantage of Welsh Government’s Hwb, a collection of online educational resources. The teachers and pupils are sharing and creating their own assets. The increased speeds prompted the school to update its technology. Pupils now have access to tablet devices and a touch screen TV, adding to the mediums in which they can access educational resources. They haven’t experienced any bandwidth issues using multiple devices. The growing popularity of online learning tools, web-based rich content (such as video), interactive digital textbooks, e-books and online assessment means that Borderbrook has a future proof solution.